Monday, 31 January 2011

Feeling the yoga love....

OK, not so much actual yoga, more those lovely lovely pieces of clothing known as yoga pants. Or trousers if you speak proper English ;P Enter my new favourite pattern for myself, Ottobre Woman 2/2008 #5. Very, very quick to sew up and incredibly comfortable to wear. Thanks to the ribbing waistband I did at first feel that I was wearing maternity trousers but I soon got over it! Ribbing and velour came from my stash and the embroidery designs are from Urban Threads and Emblibrary.

Ottobre 02/08 #5 Brown velour Ottobre 02/08 #5 Green Velour

There is a third pair from burgundy velour but they have gone missing, I think they're hiding in the laundry basket. I really, really like the fit of these and will have to try out more of Ottobre's trouser patterns.

1 comment:

  1. they look fantastic! have you priced yoga pants in the stores?!?! i need to try this pattern. i love that waistband
