These dresses may look a little familiar, I tend to use these two patterns a lot. What can I say folks, if it's a cute, well-fitting pattern then it will get made again and again and again :) Pink is Ottobre Autumn 2006 #10 and the lilac is Ottobre Winter 2004 #12. Both of these are for Princess, she chose the fabric combinations and ribbons as well as the dye colours for the second one.
Isn't the Italy fabric cute? One of my favourite prints, it's nice to use it for something.
There's another sewalong in the works for the first dress, I think it would be easier to post it as a pdf rather than a blog post as it has a lot of pics. Any thoughts on that idea?
I'd say do whatever is easiest for you. Personally, I kind of like sewalongs done as blog posts that are spread out over a week or 2. The dresses are adorable and the Italy fabric is meraviglioso!